About Us

Kéré Architecture was founded in 2005. Its practice is informed by a dual focus on design excellence and social commitment.

Renowned for its restrained elegance of structure, pioneering use of material and an inclination towards building in regions unchartered by much of contemporary architecture, the studio has been the recipient of numerous awards.

Kéré Architecture’s portfolio spans a wide spectrum of projects from civic infrastructure to temporary installations, from concept to execution and across diverse geographies.


Replica Of Serpentine Pavilion At Museo Ico Photo By Kr Architecture

Francis Kéré is an internationally renowned Burkinabè architect and the 2022 Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize. He is recognised for his pioneering approach to design and sustainable modes of construction. His vocation to become an architect comes from a personal commitment to serve the community he grew up in, and a belief in the transformative potential of beauty. 

In 2004, his very first building – the Gando Primary School, which he designed, raised funds for and realised in collaboration with the residents of his hometown while still a student at the Technical University of Berlin – was awarded the prestigious Aga Khan Award for Architecture, garnering him critical acclaim from the outset of his career. In 2005 he founded his architectural practice, Kéré Architecture GmbH, as well as the Kéré Foundation e.V., a non-profit organisation that pursues projects in Gando.

Since then, Kéré has gone on to become one of the world’s most distinguished contemporary architects, with a vision that is at once utopian and pragmatic. Inspired by the particularities of each project’s locality and its social tapestry, he and his team work on projects across four continents. These include his designs for the Burkina Faso National Assembly, the Lycée Schorge Secondary School, the Léo Surgical Clinic and Health Centre, the 2017 Serpentine Pavilion and Xylem, the recently opened pavilion for the Tippet Rise Art Centre.

Underpinning his architectural work are his past and present teaching engagements at TU München, the Harvard Graduate School of Design, the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio and Yale University, as well as his participation in solo and group exhibitions including at the Venice Biennale of Architecture, the Museo ICO in Madrid, the Architekturmuseum in Munich and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Image of Francis Kéré
by Urban Zintel

Francis Kr Portrait Urban Zintel Web 10

Our Team

Our Berlin studio is where most of our design work is done by a dedicated team of architects. All staff members work across design and project management, as well as coordinate closely with our Burkina Faso team and local experts on our international sites. 

Claudia Buhmann – Dipl.-Ing. (FH) 

Philippe Chazée - Architect

Quentin Davel - Intern

Kinan Deeb - Architect

Max Gerber - Student Trainee

Josh Greene - Architect

Nabil Haque - Architect

Ben Nepomuk Klages - Architect

Ho Jae Lee - Architect

Mariona Maeso Deitg - Architect

Andrea Maretto - Architect

Jaime Herraiz Martínez - Architect

Beatrice Mazzucco - Scholarship Holder

Daniel Melendez - Architect

Katrin Moritz - Finance and Administration

Aurora Orlandi - Intern

Josephine Richard - Student Trainee

Paula Riebel - Student Trainee

Pablo Sanchez Sanus - Scholarship Holder

Madina Scacchi - Architect

Yannick Schütte - Personal Assistent

Leonne-Zoe Vögelin - Architect

Melissa Weigel - Architect

Juan Carlos Zapata Baldrich - Architect

Our team in Burkina Faso grew out of hands-on training during our projects in Gando and elsewhere in the country. Project managers and site supervisors on all our projects in West Africa work in close collaboration with the independent craftsmen and construction companies that also grew out of on-site training. 

Nataniel Sawadogo – Project Management
Amedee Kéré – Project Management 

Our Partners

Since their establishment in 2005, Kéré Architecture and the Kéré Foundation e.V. have been working closely on several projects in Gando, Burkina Faso.

The Kéré Foundation e.V. is committed to providing high-quality, easily accessible infrastructure focused on health, education and the environment. These are created for, and in direct collaboration with, the community of Gando and its surroundings. 

Job Openings


Location: Berlin, Germany
Start: June 01, 2024
Contract: Full-Time
Apply now

Kéré Architecture offers remunerated internships to architecture students for periods of 6-12 months. Candidates should be driven, have the ability to take initiative, exhibit flexibility and work constructively both independently and in collaboration with team members. Additionally, they should be aware of and interested in the topics that our projects deal with.

Model-making is a central part of our design process and candidates should demonstrate strong modelling skills. The main softwares used by the team are ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, Rhino and the Adobe Suite. Knowledge of these softwares is appreciated, although fast learners with fluency in similar softwares are also welcome to apply.

Our office is multilingual, with the main languages spoken being English, French and German. Fluency in at least one of these languages is required to ensure a good level of communication with our team.

Applications can be sent by email to career(at)kerearchitecture.com and must include all of the following:

1. A cover letter in which you describe your interest in working for Kéré Architecture
2. A complete CV
3. Your portfolio, which illustrates your design work and other relevant skills
4. Proof of enrolment as an architecture student (bachelor or master)
5. Proof from your university that the internship you are applying for is a mandatory requirement of your curriculum (Pflichtpraktikum)

In the first line of your email please specify your earliest possible start date and period of availability.

Please note that due to the high submission rate, only short-listed applicants will receive feedback.